What are the benefits of ordering from you?

All our medications are from FDA approved manufacturers in America and Europe and also all orders are guaranteed to arrive to your door step.

All shipments are sent via two days air and/or second day air by qualified courier companies, so you can track your shipment online.

How do I track my order?

If you are a current customer and would like to track your order, you can contact us by sending us an e-mail and request an updated (In case we don’t send first the tracking number).

How do I receive information about ordering?

If you are a current customer and would like to update your information you can go to the contact us page, and send us an e-mail, requesting an updated price list and shipping information, and if not please send to us an e-mail requesting information of any kind.

What is the charge for the Shipping?

This depends on your country and most of the times it is free shipping depending of the product you request and the quantity of product you need, and we use special courier companies via second day air and/or two days air, except Saturday and Sunday.

What quantity of product I can buy at once?

All of our orders fall under the 90 day supply rule, and this depend of the patient condition.

What are the FDA-Regulations?

Every country has different F.D.A.- Regulations, and it is the obligation of each customer to check the ones from their country but all our medications fall under the 90 day supply rule

Do you accept returns?

If you receive the wrong medication, and also if the medication does not work as it is supposed to, please contact us immediately, and we will work on your problem to solve it to your satisfaction.

Is there a minimum order amount?

The minimum order amount we sale its by one Month supply (30 days supply) But if You want to try our products and service for the first time, You can pay just two week supply (15 days supply) And this way You can know our system.

Is there any hidden charges after I make the payment?

We let you know on each of your orders the exact amount you have to pay and we also previously send the estimate with the product specifications, quantity of product, shipping fees and the total amount (Never hidden charges)

What is your suggestion for order?

The most You order, the most we can reduce our costs, and you can get free shipping, handling and processing (the postal charge is separate) that way you save more money and also you receive free medication. Ps. Please check the ordering procedures from the pharmacy, because the more you order, the most you save, please check the price of each tablet in the price list.

Do you offer refills?

Yes, all orders after your initial order can be refilled, we also have internal records of each customer, and we can see each file (folder) for an easy way to refill. The file and the information you provide, is exclusive information of www.dutyfreepharma.com and no one have access to your information, because we don’t share this in any way to a third persons.

Do you accept credit cards?

Yes, We do take credit cards for on-line payments via WESTERN UNION and/or MONEY GRAM, and this is a really fast and easy way to send wire payment with no inconvenience.

What other kind of payment do you accept?

We just open a new address to receive payments, as money orders, traveler checks and also different currency payments via regular mail, and for this way of payments, please ask for instructions, because you have to follow the instructions so we can avoid mail lifters and any other issues.

How do I know if my payment it's going to be complete at the time that you receive it via FedEx over night

Ps. Please make sure you send the right amount of money, because we record with a video camera every single payment we receive via regular mail since the envelope is seal, until we check the 100% of the envelope inside, so please make sue you do everything as the instructions mark so your order don’t have to delay for one simple mistake.

What discounts do you offer for return customers or large orders?

We want your business and we want to make sure you come back, we make special offers all the time, and we have good discounts depending of what kind of customer you are, (V.I.P., regular member, old member, frequent member, large orders member etc…) we take personal care of each customer

Is there any possibility of a delay of my order?

The only possible delay is that you ordered a rare medication, or if we don’t have it in stock or your order is not complete here, we have to make a special request with the supplier and sometimes can delay it by around 3 to 4 working days but we usually have stock of all our products from the price list.

How do I know when you receive my WESTERN UNION and/or MONEY GRAM wire payment?

First you have to refill the full information we request from you so we can process your order and print your label while we cash the payment, and after we cash the payment, we send you a notification letting you know that we are ready to proceed.

How do I know when you receive my envelope payment

When you send your order (Payment) via FedEx over night, we recommend you to send this from Monday to Thursday and this way the envelope will not be the whole weekend at FedEx facilities and we don’t have the risk to be stolen Sometimes we don’t know when you are sending the order, because weekends and holidays come through, that’s why we count only the working days, because the weekends, and holidays, they don’t open the postal annex and FedEx facilities, but as soon as we receive the payment, we proceed immediately. (We almost never delay, because over night almost the 100% of the envelopes arrive safe a day after, but just in case, please try to make your order with enough advance time so you don’t run out of medication)

Do you ship to any country?

Yes, however it is your responsibility to check your local regulations on mail-order medications please, but don’t worry much because we never have problems with the customs because we refill the full information and the commercial invoice so all orders can arrive with no problems at all.

Are products shipped discretely for my protection?

To respect the right of privacy of our customers, we do not put any “Medical” label in any part of the packing slip or envelope, and if you want your product to be delivered to your establishment or your work, no one will know what the package contains

Why is there a handling charge (courier charge) as well as a shipping charge?

Our staff of delivery drivers spends many hours a day driving and dealing with the traffic, because they have to drive to send the orders out from a safe place away from customs issues and avoid mail lifters, and this way you receive your order on time, as the way we send the orders out, it’s the most reliable way.

Why is there a handling charge (courier charge) as well as a shipping charge?

Our staff of delivery drivers spends many hours a day driving and dealing with the traffic, because they have to drive to send the orders out from a safe place away from customs issues and avoid mail lifters, and this way you receive your order on time, as the way we send the orders out, it’s the most reliable way.

Do I receive my order two days after you send it?

We do send the orders via special couriers via two days air and/or second day air, and we pay the exact amount for the shipping fee, and after we drop the mail in the courier company, it’s their commitment to deliver your order two days after we give the order to them, and if there is any delay because of them we can’t make ourselves responsible for that. Ps. Usually this kind of delays happen only when they have bad weather, but almost never, as we do use the FedEx and U.P.S. Courier companies.